Master Project Settings

Need information about Studio UG sub-projects? See Sub-project Settings

A master project is a container for sub-projects. Master projects generally represent the view of operations at a high level, linking together smaller sub-projects with the same project settings and conventions. Master projects can include dependency links between activities of different sub-projects.

  • Master projects can't be used to set up design attributes and definitions, nor can they be used to validate or process designs to generate solids.

  • Master projects can be used to define dependencies (potentially between different sub-projects)

    • Dependencies that go between two activities withing the same sub project will be purged duringt import, regardless of whether they were imported or created in the master project

    • Dependencies that go between an activity in the sub project being purged and an activity in another sub project will be saved during the purge and it will try restoring them if the activities still exist

  • Master projects can be used to connect to an EPS instance and write to / read from an EPS schedule.

  • Master projects can be used for reporting and dashboarding.

  • Project settings for master and sub projects must be identical. You cannot import (and subsequently process or define a schedule for) sub-projects with different project settings.

  • It is not necessary to prepopulate a master project with the dependencies of imported sub projects, but sub project dependencies are no longer editable after importation. To edit dependencies of sub projects, those projects must be edited and reimported.

  • Dependencies created via automated rules (Spatial and Attribute based) are imported and treated as “manual dependencies” in the Master project.

Tip: Create a template sub-project to define your project settings (filters, conventions, attributes, design definitions and so on) then copy this to create new sub-projects. This will ensure all settings are compatible when imported to a master project later.

As a collection of sub-projects, data is added to a master project through an import process.

During the import of a sub-project, the following occurs:

  • If a sub-project has been imported previously, any existing data will be removed from the master project. Matching is performed based on the sub-project Name.

  • Any sub-projects that have been removed from the registered list will be deleted from the master project (the original sub-project data will be untouched).

  • All sub-project data will be imported to the master project folder.

  • The sub-project will be registered with the master project file.

Sub-projects can be converted to master projects using the Utilities panel.

A master project can override sub-project naming conventions using the subset of configuration options available on this panel. A master project can also dictate global filter and attribute convention settings.

Any project can be converted to a master project using the Planning Workflow Utilities panel.

Warning: Converting a project to a master project cannot be undone. Make a backup of your project converting it.

Dependencies in Master and Standard Projects

When you add a standard project to a master project, you need to consider how manual and automatic dependencies can be affected.

  • Manual dependencies may exist that are fully defined within the standard project. That is, they represent the relationship between two or more activities in standard project. These 'isolated manual dependencies' will be preserved if the standard project is added to a master project, as they only rely on data held within the standard project.

  • Manual dependencies between standard projects that are stored at the master project level (that is, they are configured whilst a master project is active) will not be preserved if any of the associated standard project are re-imported. In this situation, it is necessary to recreate the inter-project dependencies after re-importing.

  • Automated dependency rules are also imported with a standard project, but their impact may be different when run as part of a master project. For example, if a standard project automated dependency rule is spatial (i.e. a dependency is automatically configured due to the proximity of one activity point to another), that rule will be applied by a master project to affect activity points from any standard project. For example, if a 'create stope access drives' rule is set up to define (automatically) a finish-start relationship between terminal drive finger points and complex solid mineable stope shapes within 20 meters, this rule will be applied by the master project to consider all data of all standard projects, not just the standard project from which the rule was derived.

  • Similar to the above, if an automated rule relates to the type of design data within a sub-project (e.g. FXS Cubby positions must be applied every 30m down a decline), this rule will be applied to all data of all standard project after import.

  • It is not necessary to prepopulate a master project with the dependencies of imported sub projects, but sub project dependencies are no longer editable after importation. To edit dependencies of sub projects, those projects must be edited and reimported.

  • Dependencies created via automated rules (Spatial and Attribute based) are imported and treated as “manual dependencies” in the Master project.

Note: EPS schedules of sub-projects can be merged using the EPS panel.

Importing Sub-projects

Sub projects are added, removed, and imported from the Settings panel. This panel is distinct for master projects, containing a subset of the options available to sub projects.

  • Adding and removing projects are done in the grid, and those settings are saved using the Save button at the top of the panel

  • Adding a project to the grid and selectingSave will save the settings, but doesn’t immediately import the sub project

  • Removing a sub project from the grid and selectingSave will save the settings and will purge the data and dependencies that were associated with that project.

  • You cannot import projects while there are unsaved changes in the sub-projects table.

  • If you change the ID for a sub-project and selectSave, the settings are saved and the activities are saved so the updated SUBPROJECTID is written to the points files

  • The ID column is used to define a unique ID for the sub project

    • This value is stored in the SUBPROJECTID attribute on the activities

    • Each sub-project Name must be unique

  • The Sub Project column in the grid will display the sub project name and to check its full path location you can hover over its name.

  • The Last Updated and Last Import columns in the grid will inform the date that thesub project was processed or updated and the date it was imported to the master project. In case the Last Updated date is newer, this probably means you should re-import it.

    • To check the full date and time you can hover over the date.

    • If the project hasn’t been imported yet, the Last Import column will show "[N/A]"

    • If the project is on a location that is not currently accessible, the Last Updated column will show "[N/A]"

  • The Settings column in the grid will be unchecked if the settings in the sub project don’t match the settings in the master project.

Otherwise, you should consider the following when importing sub-projects:

  • You can import 1 or more sub-projects at a time by checking the Import checkbox in the row for the Sub Project and then clicking Import Sub Projects.

  • If you check the Import check box for a Sub Project that isn’t available or doesn’t have compatible settings, you will see a validation error beside the check box, and the Import Sub Projects button will be disabled.

Incompatible Project Settings

Important: All sub projects that belong to the same master project have compatible settings as they will all contribute data to the processing of design solids and downstream scheduling. This includes the following:

  • Attributes Definitions

  • Naming Conventions

  • Filters

  • Property Definitions

  • Default Values

  • Design Definitions

  • FXS Shapes

  • Dependency Layers

  • Dependency Rules

  • Search Geometries

Where incompatible settings are detected, this is highlighted at the point the sub project is added to the Sub Projects table. A red cross will appear in the Import column and the corresponding tooltip will explain that an incompatibility has been detected:

You can then select Analyze Sub Projects to display more detailed information in the Process output | Error window, e.g.:

You will need to resolve these incompatibilities before attempting to re-import the sub project. Once all incompatibilities have been resolved, the sub project will be successfully imported.

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